The Child Support Division of the Circuit Clerk’s Office maintains the records for court ordered child support payments. Past due child support or failure to pay child support is handled through the Office of Child Support Enforcement (501-321-1561 Hot Springs or 1-866-810-0015 Clearinghouse).

  • Hours: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm Mon-Fri
  • Phone: 870-246-4281

Child Support Payment Set-up Process

  1. Payments are to be paid by check or money order only and made out to the custodial parent.
  2. The custodial parent must bring self-address stamped envelopes to the Circuit Clerk’s Office for payments to be mailed. The last two envelopes will be marked “Last Envelope” as a reminder to bring more into the office.
  3. The non-custodial parent must pay an annual $36 fee to the Circuit Clerk’s Office.
  4. Support payments cannot be received by the Circuit Clerk’s Office until an order has been signed by the Circuit Judge.
  5. Both parties are responsible for providing the Clerk’s Office with current contact information.
  6. When the child or children have graduated from high school and reached the age of 18, proof of graduation must be filed in our office.

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